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European Startup Universe – What’s next? 🚀

Dear All, before stating the obvious about the European Startup Universe, I would like to take you on a trip through time.

In 2012, while Greece was in its Crisis, our team came to realize the lack of opportunities and access to young people, in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation.

We, as an organization, worked tirelessly in finding ways to achieve that, through hundreds of activities!

In 2021, our organization organized the Greek Startup Universe, which was an 8-week online program exclusively for Greek founders globally.

As we deemed our initiative being successful, we thought of evolving this concept.

Through this process, of endless brainstorming and communication with EU organizations that share the same values as us, we introduced the European Startup Universe. The prime objective of the European Startup Universe, in collaboration with Founderhood, was to connect thousands of early-stage startups with the best minds of the EU tech community – unicorn founders, known investors, and experts.

Alongside us, on this endeavor, were organizations from Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Spain and Greece. Through this, we managed to create an European Ecosystem with 8 cluster Ecosystems from each of the EU Countries.

At this moment, I’d like to make an important pause and mention that we as organizers, after the recent events that took and still take place in Ukraine, in the spirit of solidarity and in the spirit of equal opportunities, we invited Ukrainian Startups and founders to take part in our programme.

As it is said in the world of business, numbers speak the truth, during the programme we managed to enroll, with active participation of more than 1500 founders and more than 600 Startups from across the EU.

At this point, I’d like to thank and congratulate the founders and the startups who participated in the ESU and wish them the best of success in their future path.

More congratulations are owed to the 100 startups that won the opportunity in gaining access to at least 15 million euros of funding from various angel investors. Helping with this were 93 speakers and 142 experts in the field of Startups, which we were honored and thankful for having in this journey.

The great impact of this project has been achieved with the faith, hard work and support of our co-organizers, contributors and supporters.

Special thanks to

  • the EU Commissioner of Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel.
  • President of The European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, The President of the European Committee of Regions.

Thank you for joining us, and we would definitely like to see you in the next parts of this initiative that we seek in evolving.

Finally, before thanking you for your time and patience

 I’d like to quote the following phrase from Aristotle ‘Κάλλιο τρελός με όλους παρά συνετός και μόνος’, which translates as ‘Better crazy with company, rather than sane and alone’, this goes to the ESU organizing team, with whom we shared our craziness and tireless effort, in bringing this initiative to life.

Thank you until the next time we see you through one of our actions!



*See what happend in ESU closing ceremony here.

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